building societies

美 [ˈbɪldɪŋ səˈsaɪətiz]英 [ˈbɪldɪŋ səˈsaɪətiz]
  • n.房屋互助协会(提供住房贷款及储蓄服务)
  • building society的复数
building societiesbuilding societies

building societies


  • 1
    N-COUNT 购房互助协会;建屋互助会
    In Britain, a building society is a business which will lend you money when you want to buy a house. You can also invest money in a building society, where it will earn interest.

  1. Last week , banks and building societies were hanging fire on interest rates .


  2. Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business


  3. Building societies make loans to creditworthy customers .


  4. The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball .


  5. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit . Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts


  6. We 'll shop around the building societies to find the best terms .


  7. Building societies once used branches more than banks .


  8. It 's a good idea to spread your savings between several building societies .


  9. Banks and building societies say that they have now adopted a more restrained policy on mortgage lending .


  10. Houses purchased with loans from building societies


  11. The building societies are offering high-interest accounts to tempt new savers .


  12. Second , I have made new capital available to UK banks and building societies , putting them on a stronger footing .


  13. Until now , banks and building societies have either been nationalized or taken over when they run into trouble .


  14. The windfall tax will apply to all banks and building societies , including groups that operate in the UK under a European Union branch system .


  15. Mr Lambert referred to some of the old UK building societies , such as Northern Rock , Halifax and Bradford & Bingley .


  16. Also , because building societies and credit unions paid higher interest rates than banks , people moved their deposits out of the banking system into what we refered to as broad money .


  17. The evidence is that banks and building societies are refusing to lend at reasonable interest rates unless first-time buyers come up with huge deposits , which are often more than £ 30,000 .


  18. The financial services authority on Monday told the biggest banks and building societies operating in the UK that they must take " immediate action " to ensure bonus plans for all bankers closely link rewards and long-term risk .


  19. As the awareness of the role of education in developing individuals and in building societies and economies has grown , so has the demand for evidence on the impact of education and on how to improve the performance of national education systems .


  20. In the UK , which has also seen extreme house price increases over the past decade , building societies used to hand out mortgages of up to 130 per cent of the property 's value , at up to five times an applicant 's income .


  21. Education is vital for fostering global citizenship and building peaceful societies .


  22. Capitalism succeeds in creating material riches , but it is less successful in building companionable societies and protecting family integrity .


  23. The MDG3 indicators track key elements of women 's social , economic and political participation and guide the building of gender-equitable societies .


  24. Addressing the global jobs crisis is central to changing this picture to defeating poverty , strengthening economies and building peaceful and stable societies .


  25. Building the kind of building that dynamic societies have built will not turn Saudi Arabia into a dynamic society .
